
Monday, 15 June 2015

Flo, Franck and Clarisse leave Keiskamma Trust and Hamburg soon.

It is with great sadness that Keiskamma Trust says "Au Revoir" to Flo, Franck and Clarisse Danais.

A multi talented family who have left their own unique marks within the community.

Frank, a passionate environmentalist and organic gardener "leaves lovely fertile places" around the village! The produce garden he established  behind the Treatment Centre, will be named Franck's Garden in his honour. From this.......

To this...........

Flo, no less passionate in her managing of the Keiskamma Art Project, and establishing Capoeira and Ballet in Hamburg!

"The difference Flo has made to the management of the Art Project leaves us with systems in place and an understanding of the way money is used" Carol Hofmeyr

Such a sense of humour......

Clarisse, promising artist, collector, adventurer, natural scientist and keen life observer!

Many closely observed drawings and illustrated poems were freely given and are set among prized possessions within the homes of the community.

All the best in your new ventures